I'm totally stealing this idea from another blog:
5 little things that make me happy right now:
1. Cheap, brightly-colored, birthday wrapping paper. It's my best friend's 21st birthday tonight at midnight and I have her present wrapped and sitting in my living room. I got the paper at the Dollar Tree, and it's covered in stars, wavy patterns, the words "Happy Birthday" and bright colors. I can't stop smiling when I look at it
2. Doing well on my diet. Ok, so I know that Weight Watchers' slogan is "Stop Dieting, Start Living," so they'd probably hate that I referred to it as such, but that's basically what I think of it as. I've done it before and gone from a size 7, to a size 3, where I was happiest, but I've slipped back to a 5, which isn't bad, but I'm also not as happy with my body as I was. I'm really proud of how well I'm doing so far.
3. I'm entertained because as I was writing this, a Weight Watchers commercial came on. I love little coincidences like that.
4. My room is slowly getting in order. So far, today I've taken all of the trash out of it, and the recyclables (20 empty water bottles, can you believe that?), washed my sheets, gotten the empty cups into the dishwasher, and sorted my clean clothes into piles depending on which drawer they belong in. Just have to put the rest of the clothes away!
5. Matthew Mcconaughey shirtless. I really don't think this one needs an explanation.
Jenuinely yours,
10 things I love about Texas
9 years ago
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