Wednesday, June 17, 2009

"Humans, Getchyer humans!"

Have you ever comforted a friend with the expression: "He's not worth it?" Do you ever feel a supreme sense of self-worth?

Have you ever wondered just exactly how much someone is worth?

Well, thanks to a mildly entertaining website a friend told me about the other day, you can now find out!
will tell you, down to the dollar, how much someone is worth.

But be careful, for it does come with risks. As one friend of mine said, "I feel at minimum that I'm worth 3 million dollars and if it tells me something else, I'm going to be devastated." It's a good thing I don't share his mindset. I'm only worth $2,580,030.

So, watch those self-confidence levels... and have at it!

Jenuinely yours,

1 comment:

Feeling Jenerous? Leave some love.